6/18(火)20時より、川合 牧人さんの「ANAGAMA POT」を発売いたします。

"ANAGAMA POT" by Makito Kawai will be on sale from 8pm on Tuesday, June 18th.

Kawai studied pottery in Kyoto and aspired to create pottery that could be made in Tokyo .
He is an artist who continues to present installations that bring to fruition images that freely fluctuate from abstract to concrete.
Recently, Kawai has been active in a wide range of fields, with photographs of his work permanently displayed in a cafe.
The other day, Kawai's pottery, fired in an anagama kiln, arrived.
You can also see the footage on YouTube here.

The works fired here include those made by students.

Approximately 300 pieces of work by around 80 artists are lined up for firing.

Depending on where you place it, the fire will change and the finished product will also change.

Kawai decides the placement of each piece before firing it.

Anagama kilns are a primitive firing kiln that has been passed down since ancient times and is slowly fired with firewood.

The careful firing method results in beautiful patterns such as natural glazes, unique half-patterned changes, and kiln changes that cannot be achieved with electric or gas kilns.

The appeal of the anagama kiln, "left to the fire," is not just the skill of the maker, but the way the piece is created.

You can enjoy the unique scenery that appears in the pottery.

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