Collection: Yuko Sugama

He spent his childhood in Indonesia and Singapore and discovered pottery.
Graduated from Toyo University, Department of Philosophy
Graduated from Kyoto University of Traditional Arts and Crafts, Department of Ceramics
Studied under Iga-yaki Tanimoto
He served as an apprentice for 13 years.
Opened in Makiyama, Iga City in 2018
Smokeless wood-fired kiln construction in 2022

We produce everything from traditional Iga ware to modern Iga ware that is easy to use on a daily basis, as well as new Iga ware made from porcelain clay.
Using pine ash from the kiln, we create tableware with a variety of expressions by changing the clay, firing method, and kiln, and we aim to create works that are environmentally friendly, using waste materials and thinnings in our smokeless wood-fired kiln that we built in 2022.
* Smokeless wood kiln: A wood kiln that is less likely to emit black smoke from the chimney by performing secondary combustion to remove carbon.

The happiness of living surrounded by things you love"
I would be happy to be one such piece.